Billionaire’s new wife ‘bullies’ woman who shares her new surname INTO selling her Instagram handle


A billionaire’s new wife has gone viral after she apparently tried to bully a woman who shares her new name into selling her Instagram handle.

Katherine Asplundh, formerly Driscoll, married Cabot Asplundh, 27, of the Pennsylvania billionaire family at a reception in Palm Beach, Florida, two weeks ago. 

After the happy couple exchanged vows, Katherine, an influencer with over 14,600 Instagram followers, attempted to change her handle from @katherinedrisc to @katherineasplundh, but her desired username was already in use.

Katherine then contacted the account owner, a woman who goes by Kate, to ask if she could purchase her handle (a practice that is in direct violation of the platform’s terms of service).

Kate refused and explained how she feared selling the username would get her ‘banned from Instagram’.

How it Went Down Between the Duo

Hearing her explanation, Katherine launched a tirade of seemingly entitled messages.

In the now-viral exchange, Katherine can be seen messaging an anonymous user, believed to be Kate, asking if she could purchase her Instagram handle. 

‘Hi I was wondering if I could purchase your username from you,’ she wrote. ‘Just got married and this in my new name!’ 

‘Can You Sell Your Instagram Username?’

Kate replied: ‘That’s my name too. I just googled and it said selling my username would get me banned from Instagram.’

But Katherine pushed back, saying: ‘I purchased my username in the past actually that’s not true. Celebrities do it all the time that’s how they all have their handles as their full names.

‘So weird, I didn’t know there was another Asplundh’s family out there. There [are] no Katherine Asplundh in our family.’

She then adds: ‘I see that you’re not that active on here but started Instagram in 2018 but changed your username three times? Is there anyway I can get you to change your username one more time?’

Kate Responds

Kate responds, explaining that the @katherineasplundh account is her so-called ‘finsta’, a term that refers to a ‘fake’ or secondary account that users create to share content just with close friends and family.

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The conversation turns sour, with Katherine seemingly questioning Kate’s identity.

‘I actually don’t believe that your name is Katherine Asplundh who would make their finsta their actual name?’ Katherine wrote.

‘I reported you to Instagram and they’re actually able to tell me your real name I really hope I don’t know you because that’s gonna be really embarrassing for you.’ 

Kate asks the influencer to report her, but Katherine confirms that she and her new husband have already done so. 

She Wants Proof

Katherine then continues to question the legitimacy of Kate’s name, alleging that her husband’s family are the only Asplundhs in the US. 

Kate confirms she is not American, to which Katherine replies: ‘Do you have proof that this is your name? Would love to see that.’


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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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