I will support my father outside of political arena – Ivanka Trump says she will not be involved in Donald Trump’s 2024 run

I will support my father outside of political arena - Ivanka Trump says she will not be involved in Donald Trump's 2024 run

Minutes after her father, Donald Trump announced another run for the White House on Tuesday, November 15, Ivanka Trump released a statement saying she didn’t plan to be involved in the campaign. 

This comes after a CNN report last week that Trump’s daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, would not campaign on behalf of Donald Trump. 

“While I will always love and support my father, going forward I will do so outside of the political arena,” said Trump, who did not attend Donald Trump’s announcement at Mar-a-Lago Tuesday evening.

“This time around, I am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family.” 

“I am grateful to have had the honor of serving the American people and I will always be proud of many of our Administration’s accomplishments.

I will support my father outside of political arena - Ivanka Trump says she will not be involved in Donald Trump's 2024 run

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